
General Podiatry

Keeping your Feet healthy is key to the health of the entire body. Without healthy feet, mobility is threatened, exercise is restricted, and gradually your life can become more difficult and painful. A general podiatry session usually lasts for 30 minutes. We offer treatment & advice for the following common foot conditions: Corns and Callus, Athletes feet, Blisters, Chilblains, Sweaty feet, Nail pathologies including thick, fungal, ingrowing toe-nails, wounds & ulcerations. We also commonly treat verrucas which are a viral skin infection. We encourage self-treatment however we offer various topical treatments and cryosurgery. There are many more foot problems that we treat. If yours is not listed, please ask the podiatrist. As part of our services we also offer home visits.

Verruca Treatment

Verruca Needling is a highly effective treatment that successfully removes even long-standing verrucas. Needling differs from other verruca treatment options like salicylic acid or cryotherapy as it can be completed in only one or two sessions. And for verruca needling cryotherapy and salicylic acid treatments are also available.


Several studies indicate that reflexology may reduce pain and psychological symptoms, such as stress and anxiety, and enhance relaxation and sleep. Given that reflexology is also low risk, it can be a reasonable option if you’re seeking relaxation and stress relief.

Biomechanics and orthotic

In Podiatry Biomechanics refers to the way the bones, muscles and joints of your feet and lower limbs interact and move. They will look specifically at Pronation – how impact is absorbed and Supination – how you are propelled.

Nail Surgery

The skin becomes red, swollen and tender. Ingrowing toenails most commonly affect the big toenail, but can affect the other toes too.

The medical name for an ingrowing toenail is onychocryptosis. The most common causes include: incorrectly cut toenails, ill fitting shoes, excessive sweating, trauma, nail infections and certain shapes of the nail plate.

There are several non surgical treatments for mild ingrowing toe-nails. However, in more severe cases surgery is often required to offer an effective and permanent solution. This may involve a partial or total nail removal. Performed under local anaesthetic, it is a relatively quick & painless procedure. Two to three re-dressings will be provided for the after-care healing process.

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